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The band, which was the sensation of English pop music in the year 2000, was formed in 1998 at the University of London. Friends Chris Martin (vocals), Guy Berryman (bass), Jon Buckland (guitar) and Will Champion (drums) combined musical affinities and created Coldplay.

The first album, Parachutes, released in 2000, proved that the band had qualities that surpassed comparisons with Travis or Radiohead. Even though these comparisons can only be interpreted as compliments, the band showed inspiration to be on the same level as their influences.

Coldplay's first record was the EP Safety, from 1998. In 1999, two more EPs were released: Brothers And Sisters and The Blue Room. Everyone had a positive reception by the local press, already impressed by the band's shows (Coldplay performed at the Glastonbury Festival, in the 1999 and 2000 editions, making the public excited).

Parachutes gave the band the 2000 revelation award at the NME Carling Awards, one of the most important music events in Europe, and won two awards at the Brit Awards (2001) - British group and record.

Continuing his career, the band also released the albums A Rush of Blood to the Head (2002), X&Y (2005) and Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends (2008).

In 2011, the band's fifth album came out, entitled Mylo Xyloto. Ghost Stories, the sixth, came out in 2014. The following year, the group released A Head Full of Dreams. In 2019, Everyday Life was released, followed by Music of the Spheres (2021) and Moon Music (2024).

Featured Songs
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    Viva la VidaColdplay
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Featured Albums

Moon Music
2024 / Álbum
Everyday Life
2019 / Álbum
Ghost Stories
2014 / Álbum
Mylo Xyloto
2011 / Álbum
Viva la Vida
2008 / Álbum
2005 / Álbum
2000 / Álbum

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