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The Warp Records label will release two compilations of rarities by the English duo Broadcast, which was active between 1995 and 2011, the year of the death of vocalist, keyboardist and guitarist Trish Keenan. She was a victim of pneumonia caused by the H1N1 virus, contracted during a tour in Australia.

Announced as the band's last two albums, these two works feature demo tracks produced in two periods. The first, titled Spell Blanket, brings together material recorded between 2006 and 2009 and extracted from Trish Keenan's archive of four-track tapes and MiniDiscs. These recordings would serve as the basis for a future album by the duo.

Spell Blanket

Spell Blanket - Collected Demos 2006-2009 will be released on May 3rd.

Distant Call, the second compilation, brings together demos of songs included on the albums Haha Sound, Tender Buttons and The Future Crayon.

Distant Call

Distant Call - Collected Demos 2000-2006 will arrive on September 28th.

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