Por Agnaldo MenezesDom, 26/04/2020 - 20:47 TagsThe ReplacementsCompartilhe: Faixas Relacionadas The Ledge The Replacements I Will Dare The Replacements I'll Be You The Replacements Bastards of Young The Replacements Can't Hardly Wait The Replacements Swingin Party The Replacements I'm in Trouble The Replacements Little Mascara The Replacements Unsatisfied The Replacements Achin' to Be The Replacements Shutup The Replacements Takin' a Ride The Replacements Merry-Go-Round The Replacements When It Began The Replacements Postagens Relacionadas Notícia O guitarrista Slim Dunlap do The Replacements morreu aos 73 anosQui, 19/12/2024 - 18:49 Notícia Ouça: The Replacements - "I Will Dare" (ao vivo em 1986)Ter, 12/09/2017 - 23:07 Notícia The Replacements se reúne para gravar EPQui, 04/10/2012 - 09:33 Notícia Ex-líder do Replacements escreve sobre a morte de Alex Chilton no New York TimesSeg, 22/03/2010 - 17:07 Notícia EPs dos Ramones e Replacements ganham reedições históricasSáb, 02/05/2009 - 22:59