The Beginning Stages of...Artista:The Polyphonic Spree Formato:Álbum Ano:2002 Selo:Hollywood Records Track listing Section 1 (Have a Day/Celebratory) Section 2 (It's the Sun) Section 3 (Days Like This Keep Me Warm) Section 4 (La La) Section 5 (Middle of the Day) Section 6 (Hanging Around the Day Part 1) Section 7 (Hanging Around the Day Part 2) Section 8 (Soldier Girl) Section 9 (Light & Day/Reach for the Sun) Section 10 (A Long Day)TagsálbumThe Polyphonic Spreepop psicodélicoThe Beginning Stages of...Compartilhe: Álbuns RelacionadosThe Beginning Stages of...2002 /Together We're Heavy2004 /Wait [EP]2006 /The Fragile Army2007 /HolidayDream: Sounds of the Holidays Vol. One2012 /Yes, It's True2013 /Afflatus2021 /Salvage Enterprise2023 /