Flavors of EntanglementArtista:Alanis Morissette Formato:Ano:2008 Selo:Maverick Track listing Citizen of the Planet Underneath Straitjacket Versions of Violence Not as We In Praise of the Vulnerable Man Moratorium Torch Giggling Again for No Reason Tapes IncompleteTagsrock alternativoálbumAlanis MorissetteFlavors of EntanglementCompartilhe: Álbuns RelacionadosJagged Little Pill1995 /Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie1998 /Under Rug Swept2002 /So-Called Chaos2004 /Flavors of Entanglement2008 /Havoc and Bright Lights2012 /Such Pretty Forks in the Road2020 / Álbum